“Getting Robbed”: Racialized Politics and the Colonial Stereotype
CERS PhD student Izram Chaudry has written a blog entitled '“Getting Robbed”: Racialized Politics and the Colonial Stereotype' for Northern Notes. See here to read.
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CERS PhD student Izram Chaudry has written a blog entitled '“Getting Robbed”: Racialized Politics and the Colonial Stereotype' for Northern Notes. See here to read.
Dr Abel Ugba (CERS) has been appointed as the Leeds partner and mentor of Dr Matthew Michael (University of Nasarawa, Nigeria) under the Africa-focused fellowship...
Johanna Loock (CERS PGR) has written a blog post entitled ' An Alliance of Nationalism and Feminism: The Case of the Swiss Burqa Ban' for...
CERS member Professor Adrian Favell, CERS PhD students Tesfalem Yemane and Kheira Arouche take part in a conversation on ‘integration’ along with PhD students Hyab...
Dr Roxana Barbulescu will deliver a webinar titled ‘Seasonal workers across borders: farming needs, COVID -19 pandemic and immigration after Brexit’ on Wednesday 16th June,...
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S. Sayyid (CERS) and Houria Bouteldja will engage in a conversation on: Interrupting Islamophobia and the discipling of Muslims. For more info
CERS members Adrian Favell, Johanna Loock, Sumeyye Sakarya, Tesfalem H. Yemane will give papers and act as discussants at the The Bauman Institute’s 2021 PGR...
Roxana Barbulescu (CERS) will give a paper as part of the CMR Seminars at the University of Warsaw. Her talk will examine recent advances in...
Ipek Demir will give the opening keynote talk entitled 'Diaspora Strikes Back' at the 'Identities in Flux: Past, Presents and Futures of Migrant Communities across...