Black Families in Britain as the site of struggle
Date: 28 October 2010, 5.00pm - 8.00pm
Location: Lecture Theatre 2, Clothworkers South Building, University of Leeds
An academic-cultural event exploring the lived experiences of Black families in Britain with artists and authors involved in the ‘Black families in Britain as the site of struggle’ book edited by Dr Bertha Ochieng and Dr Carl Hylton, alumnus of University of Leeds. The book brings together an impressive collection of individuals engaged in public and academic debates concerned about the conditions of Black families.
This seminar will provide a unique opportunity for the exploration of Black families in Britain and should appeal to academics, students, activists and individuals engaged in the public and voluntary sectors to explore the diversity and experiences of Black families through debate, discussion and drama.
Speakers include chapter authors:
- Dr Kevin Hylton
- Dr Franklin Smith
- Richmond Quarshie
- Dr Bertha Ochieng
- Dr Carl Hylton