CERS International Lecture: Race and Racism in Russia
Dr Nikolay Zakharov, Senior Lecturer, Södertörn University, Sweden.
Date: Tuesday 3rd November, 2015, 15.00 - 16.30
Location: Room 12.21, Social Sciences Building, University of Leeds
Since the 1990s, there have been striking changes in racial ideas, practices, exclusions and violence in Russia. By showing how the processes of globalization and racialization are interrelated, this lecture seeks to demonstrate and explore the roles these play in Russia's new nationhood project. This project employs a new threefold theoretical elaboration of racialization, examining the process in terms of 'making', 'doing', and finally 'becoming'. These three elements are considered through discussions of a wide variety of aspects of Russian identity and nationalism, from the analysis of subcultures to explorations of nation-building.
Dr Zakharov will introduce his new book Race and Racism in Russia which provides important new theoretical and substantive insights into these issues.