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Barbulescu at 'Migration after Brexit' event on 5 November 2022


CERS member Dr Roxana Barbulescu will present a talk at the Migration after Brexit, Friday 5 November 2021, 1pm GMT.

Leaving the EU has given the UK the scope to control migration. This event will explore how this new freedom has been used and what lessons can be learned from the period since Brexit. How well did the EU Settlement Scheme work? How has the position of EU/EEA citizens already resident in the UK changed in practice? What about temporary migrants and seasonal workers?

The event draws on three ongoing research projects:

University of Leeds, ‘Feeding the Nation: seasonal migrant workers and food security during Covid-19’

Professor Catherine Barnard and Ms Fiona Costello, University of Cambridge, ‘EU Citizens Living in the UK

Professor Charlotte O’Brien, University of York, ‘EU Rights and Brexit Hub

The event is an initiative of Governance after Brexit and UK in Chanching Europe.

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