Brexit and the Future of Migration
Friday 2 March 2018, 12.30-16.00 University House, University of Leeds Speaker: Dr. Maria Sobolewska, University of Manchester The Commission on Diversity in the North welcomes the participation of...
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Friday 2 March 2018, 12.30-16.00 University House, University of Leeds Speaker: Dr. Maria Sobolewska, University of Manchester The Commission on Diversity in the North welcomes the participation of...
Tuesday 23rd January 2018, 15.00-16.30 Leeds Humanities Research Institute, 29-31 Clarendon Place, University of Leeds The Commission on Diversity in the North welcomes the participation of West Yorkshire Police,...
Tuesday 21st November 2017, 14.00-17.00 Leeds Humanities Research Institute, 29-31 Clarendon Place, University of Leeds The Commission on Diversity in the North welcomes the participation of West...